The objects of the trust are:

  • To establish and or contribute to support or maintain by monetary gifts or otherwise educational or cultural institutions, colleges, schools, libraries, book trusts, reading room, industrial training institutes, polytechniques, workshop and small scale industries, research institutes and other public educational or cultural institutions or societies.
  • To help promote education and learning primary, higher and college education, non – technical, agricultural, engineering, medical, commercial, financial, management, scientific philosophic or any subject relating to arts, culture if any other subject of education and research work in all subjects, and to establish run, maintain of finances by ad-hoc or annual grants for otherwise schools, colleges and or other institutions for or any of the aforesaid purposes.
  • To make pecuniary grants by giving scholarships, education fee, fellowships, stipends or otherwise to deserving or meritorious poor students for their research and training, education, etc., In any branch including confessional supply of their food, clothing, residence, books, etc.,
  • To establish, construct, maintain finance by ad-hoc assistance or otherwise, hospitals, nursing homes, medical colleges, wards and institutions for the relief of the sick and to aid and cooperate with other institutions and societies doing similar work.
  • To provide for relief of the poor and in particular to help incapacitated persons in poor and destitute circumstances by giving doles in money or in kind, free food and the like, irrespective of their caste, creed of colour.
  • To take steps to disseminate scientific, technical and cultural knowledge and to raise the standard of life and health among the backward sections of the people.

Chairman Message


Future Engineers, I Welcome you all to avail the facilities of our colleges and enlighten your future

Dr. R. Vivekanandhan,
M.Sc., M.Ed., M.Phil., MBA., LLM, Ph.D
Founder & Chairman